The Power of the Spoken Word of God
- Summary: The word of God, spoken in faith in the Name of Jesus, has awesome power to overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles.
- •• There is irresistible supernatural power in God's word; it will not return to Him empty.
- •• God’s Word will accomplish His desires and purposes. The King James Version descriptively says that the word of the Lord will not return void to Him (Isaiah 55:11). In other words, it will get the job done!
- •• The Word of God is powerful, because it is guaranteed by God to be effective.
- •• When you speak the Word of God, you are tapping into limitless power!
- •• Think of the Word of God as a hammer. Picture it.
- •• This hammer can drive home a nail = positive results.
- •• This hammer can break down obstacles = overcoming negatives.
- •• “SPEAK [God's Word] faithfully” and (1) all kinds of positive things will begin to happen, and (2) all kinds of obstacles and opposition will begin to be broken.
- •• Three times Jesus spoke to Satan: “It is WRITTEN!”, and Satan’s schemes were defeated. There is great power in the spoken word of God. Your words have power when they are God's words spoken in faith through your lips. Thankfully, we don't have to guess what God's words are. Jesus didn't guess. He quoted the Scriptures (so should we), because the bible is the word of God.
- •• In Genesis “God said, ‘Let there be...’ ”and light; sun, moon, and stars; animals, birds, and fish; and more came into beingfrom God's spoken word of power.
- •• Jesus said, "The words that I speakunto you, they are spirit, and they are life" (John 6:63). Speak His words, speak the bible Scriptures, because the word of the Lord is life. Hebrews 4:12 (NASB) affirms this: "The word of God is living and active." God's words have life, they bring life, as did Jesus' spoken words to dead Lazarus.
- •• Speak out God’s powerful Word to your "Lazarus":
- • “Devil, come out, because you are overcome by the blood of the Lamb.”
- • “Cancer, leave this body, because by the wounds of Jesus this child of God was healed.”
- • “Finances, come into line, because my God shall supply all my needsaccording to His riches in glory.”
- •• Wow, talk about mighty power in the word of God!
- • Keep His Word, and you will “never see death.”
- • Not just “know” His Word, but “KEEP” it.
- • That word says, “I will raise him up.”
- • Referring to eternal life through faith in Jesus, that word says, “Whosoever lives and believes in me will never die.”
- • That word says we shall reignwith Him forever.
- •• His all-powerful Word will set you FREE!
- • “Drugs/alcohol, I don’t need you, because the Son of God has set me free!”
- • That addictive behavior — “You have no more control over me, because Jesus has set me free.”
- • An uncontrollable habit? — “I am more than a conqueror through Him that loved me.”
- •• The Word of God in our hearts is a powerful antidote to sin.
- • Temptation comes through the eyes? — “I made a covenant with my eyes.”
- • Temptation to pride? — “God exalts the humble.”
- • Temptation to the flesh? — “God will with the temptation make a way of escape.”
- • Temptation to dishonesty? —
Psalm 51:6 Surely you desire truthin the inner parts.
- •• Speak the living Word of God to people to open for them new dimensions in the Holy Spirit.
- • Tell people what God’s Word says about the mighty baptism with the Holy Spirit.
- • Tell them what the Word of God says about divine healings, prophecy, miracles...
- • Tell people from God’s Word to pray for and expect the demonstration of the Holy Ghost and power.
- •• That centurion in the bible understood this. He asked Jesus to speak that word of faith, and his servant would be healed.
- •• Peter understood this. He spoke out: “Aeneas, Jesus Christ heals you” (condensing several healing Scripturesinto five powerful words!).
- •• Paul understood the importance of the spoken Word of God: “Timothy, preach the Word!”
- •• The all-powerful Word of God — “the word of faith” — “is in YOUR MOUTH” to be spoken.
- •• Confidently take your stand on the Word of God. SPEAK the Word, and expect its infinite power to bring forth astounding results
The power of the spoken word of God
Reviewed by Dr. Boss
June 13, 2018
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